Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Should Prostitution be legalized?

Should Prostitution be legalized?

The whole reason behind the demand of legalizing prostitution, escapes my mind. I feel saddened by the fact that this is something that is being asked for, by the well educated-illiterate minds that are a part of our government. Legalization of prostitution, they say, is the easiest solution to decrease rapes and satisfy the sex driven-desperate bastards.  But HOW?

How on the earth does legalizing prostitution even fit into the solution list of decreasing rapes and respecting women? To me, it looks more like legalizing rapes at a national level. It is a way to mask every illegal, heinous activity in the name of prostitution. Prostitution, even after being illegal is already widespread across the country, with thousands on women and girls getting sucked into it due to circumstances, pressure, trafficking, and many more reason that we are unaware of. And if legalized, it would become an industry, with limitless and unimaginable results. An industry that would lead to an increase in organized crimes, child trafficking, sex trafficking, kidnapping, etc.. By supporting its legalization, we are being ignorant not only the current state of women in these traps but also to all those who would unfortunately become a part of it. Think of all those girls in the villages, who are already cursed and beaten for not being a boy (khandaan ka vaaris), who would be thrown into this trade when people would lure their parents with chucks of cash. Think of how a supply and demand chain would result in an infinite loop, forever. And when the victims would approach the Govt. it would sit with another board to “legalize something else”.
Prostitution in fact is no different from a rape. It is a rape that is confined in between the walls of a room. It is a rape where the screams of the victim are paid for. It is a rape where the victim cannot complain to any one. It is a rape where the accused is free to bite on the new flesh, everyday, as he wishes. And it is a rape that people are supporting, to legalize.

We all are so selfish. We hear about this proposal, read about it in newspapers but we don’t do a thing about it because somewhere we believe in it. We are so self centered that we think this would at least protect our daughters and sisters, if not everyone else’s. What about all those unfortunate girls and women, who would become a part of it? Aren’t they close to someone too?
“It’s like keeping your birthday cake safe and feeding someone else’s brownies, to the dogs”.

Coming to reality, Prostitution never was and never will be a solution to decrease crime against women. It would not only give birth to more desperate men but also help them go un-noticed after every crime. It would more likely be a license to tease, harm or rape.

We don’t want rapes. We want the Govt. to take actions to stop it. On the other hand, we see our Govt. setting up immediate relief hospitals for rape victims, special courts for rape cases, faster FIR’s, etc.. But that is not what we want; we want rapes not to happen in the first place. Has our Govt. given up hopes of decreasing the crimes against women that it now plans about the after effects and not the precautionary measures? We need strict laws. We want the violators to be punished or to be done away with. We want every girl child to smile, to learn, to earn and to be respected. And that’s how we grow. We don’t want any false satisfaction of safety. We want change, and we won’t settle for anything less than that.

So what do we expect from the Govt.?

1. If a rape is proved, and a person is found guilty, the first step should be to snatch away his citizenship and cancel all his identity proofs, leaving him nameless and equal to NOTHING. He cannot escape, get a job, travel, and most importantly, never think of harming someone again. At least that way the Govt. doesn’t have to spend our taxes to feed him during his years of imprisonment.  And if caught again, Death sentence should be the best answer.

2. I believe, rape is not something that one is capable of carrying out, alone. It is a team work. And all of us(you, me and everyone), are the team. Each and everyone rape, we are a part of it too. What if we had shouted collectively that day when we saw that guy teasing her? May be she would have reached home, safely. Hence, we are to be punished equally, for being so ignorant.
Every time a rape is reported from a city, town, village or a state, the whole area should be punished. By punished, I mean they should be deprived of all the Govt. facilities like water, electricity, ration, etc.., for a month at the least. And if the crime is committed again, the punishment should get carried forward.

But again, how far can the Govt. work without co-operation. We have a bigger part to play in saving our country from becoming the “playground for rapists”. No social media outrage, candle light march, campaign, protest, or social experiment is going to change us. These things just end up getting likes and comments. But change has to come from within, from you, from me and from everyone. And for that we have to be humans first.  While I sit here and write this article, I believe I am helping in encouraging at least some people to make India better. And I am changing, are you?

# We read about how it took us centuries to evolve and become humans but we take absolutely no time to turn into animals, again.

-- Azad Hussain

1 comment:

  1. I am completely inspired by your thought sir.
    If every individual lives with same thought and attitude then there won't be any corner for the words like rape, harassment,minors and inequality in the worlds.
