Thursday, February 5, 2015

I'm offended.

The Irony.

* An everyday scene in India *

A religiously weak, ultra-sensitive, and jobless guy walks into a police station. Claiming to be the sole protector of the vulture, sorry, the CULTURE, of India, he drags along with him, the other person.

Jobless guy: Sir, I am offended (pointing at the other person). This man was abusing and laughing over at some random place while i was just, passing by. Though it does not effect me in any way, and its none of my business, but me, I am offended. I never abuse, no, never. I am such a saint, I call my wife's brother 'biwi ke bhai', and not 'saala'.

Police: So you want to lodge a complaint against this m****rf***r?

Jobless guy: Yes sir, anything between a life long imprisonment to an immediate hanging, would do.

Police: Okay, let me enquire from him first (turns towards the other person). Ba****rd, Son of a ***ch, a***ole, m*****f****r, how, how could you use foul language so f*****g openly? Its because of a*****es like you that the Indian culture, values, and ethics are vanishing. Let me book a case against you, and once you are in, I will f*** you real bad. M***rch**, comedy karengey yeh. Main karwata hoon na teri comedy, b***n**od.

The other person: Sir, with due respect, on whatever charges or grounds this man here wants to file a complaint again me, I can charge you with the same, for you used almost the same words that i did. And me, I'm offended.

Police: Ma* k l****, ab kya freedom of speech bhi le loge kya?

The other person: That's exactly the issue, sir.

Police: (pointing at the jobless guy) Areyy isko andar daal ke maaro, b****c**d. Offended, hain? Saala, kahin se bhi mu utha ke aa jate hain. Chutiya.

- Azad Hussain

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